Lighting up a village in Nepal----Impressions.


Netra and Sarina arrive rather late by cab and we have a nerve racking ride to the airport as a result.  Sarina looks incredible in her wedding sari of orange and yellow.  She is festooned with jewelry; necklace, earrings, rings, and bangles given by Netra’s family.  A pair of dainty slipper grace her small feet.  Hardly suitable trekking gear!  I am more practically clothed in thin pants, and a long shirt (my acknowagement of eastern modesty without compromising comfort) and hiking boots.  At the airport, shortly after arrival, we are driven across the tarmac in the small bus to the waiting Twin Otter.  There is some discussion as to whether or not there will even be a flight to Lamidanda . Suddenly it is confirmed so we are hastened aboard and are in the air before our anxiety level has time to rise.  Full throttle  into the gathering clouds and in only thirty minutes we are bouncing along the top of the ridge at Lamidanda.  We are shooed of the field towards the airport building, our luggage abandoned in the middle of the airstrip as the plane fills , circles and takes off again all within the space of five minutes.

Netra’s youngest brother Kumar, the only sibling we haven’t yet met, came the previous day from Norung with  a dozen porters.  He resembles more his older brother Ishor, with a squarer more Sherpa like look than Netra.  He stands out from the rest of the ensemble, dressed as he is in off-white jeans, t-shirt, and cowboy hat (albeit with a diminutive brim).  Most of the porters look far too young to be capable of carrying heavy loads over long distances.

Two minor miracles occur shortly after our arrival.  First, we find the airport manager who actually agrees to unlock the store room and second all the requisite number of boxes are accounted for and none of them damaged.  In no time, the porters have everything assembled and the loads are distributed.  The solar panels are awkwardly shaped to fit in their traditional carrying baskets and end up as a very high but at least a relatively light load.

Netra and Sarina disappear to change into their trekking gear; in Sarina’s case a pale lemon punjabi suit and flip flops!
