What we do


Our goal is simply to help rural areas which have poor or non-existent lighting: we hope by providing economical lights in homes that we can improve the living conditions of families and make it possible for children to do homework and therefore to learn more readily.


We use LED lights which are robust and long lasting in conjunction with solar panels which provide an environmentally friendly source of power at no cost to the users.


Based on our experience we feel that there is an inestimable benefit to people who actually put their financial gifts to others into action, by visiting and providing a service to them. Installing lights in a village allows the donor to appreciate what it is like to be poor and lacking in basic amenities.



Sources of Funding


The lighting systems are paid for by contributions which come primarily (and in the past exclusively) from the sale of Faith’s paintings and cards. The paintings can be seen at www.faithharckham.com


Some of the money has been raised by donations, though we have no active program for seeking these.


Now we are providing treks for others, a part of the trekking fee goes towards the costs of the lighting systems.


We do not have government support.



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